Wednesday, October 10, 2007


These are our pumpkins. We made them with glue and jack-o-lantern makers. I made a silly face pumpkin. If you see my pumpkin you will laugh so hard. Mommy taught me that with glue, "One dot is a lot". I did the dots all by myself. We are going to put the pumpkins in our windows so everyone can see them. We are decorating the house for Halloween. I moved a lot when Mommy was taking my picture.
From, Payton

I put two silly eyes on it and two silly eyebrows. I have a silly nose on it and a silly mouth. I squeeze, squeeze, squeezed the glue. I played with our pumpkin bikes today too. They are little toys.
Goodbye, Ellie (If you were here I would shake your hand)

**All posts are in Payton's and Ellie's own words. Mommy only does the typing.


Unknown said...

I love to get to see what you two are up to. You are both very funny and very silly. Ellie, if I was there I would shake your hand too. Payton, your pumpkin made me crack up!

La Rodriga said... both made really silly and funny looking pumpkins. You will have to show me what your real pumpkins look like when you pick them out at the pumpkin patch. I can't wait!!!
Ellie, would you shake my hand or give me a hug? :)
Love you,
Aunt Holly

Unknown said...

Those pumpkins are looking NICE! Can't wait to see what halloween costumes will look like this year.